Tune in to the episode of ‘This Is Nashville’ from September 25th, where TDOT’s Mike McClanahan and Project Manager/Landscape Architect Carol Ashworth dive into the exciting details of Project Milkweed and the TDOT Pollinator Habitat Program.
POLLINATORS are a diverse group of species that includes birds, bees, butterflies, bats and beetles. They are critically important to life and their numbers are in steady decline as a result of habitat loss, pests, pathogens, pesticides and other stressors.

Tennessee Department of Transportation
Pollinator Habitat Program
Pollinator-friendly language has been included in the nation’s transportation funding law, the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act.* Tennessee Department of Transportation is following this important legislation and taking the lead in establishing pollinator policies and practices.
TDOT is dedicated to growing, supporting, and protecting pollinators across Tennessee through education, partnerships and sound environmental practices by:

Pollinator Education
Meet Polli, the Bee from Tennessee!
To forward pollinator education, TDOT has created a series of animated educational videos about pollination and pollinator species featuring narrator Polli the Bee from Tennessee. These episodes educate children about the process of pollination, its importance, and the pollinator species native to Tennessee and the world. Now avalable in English and Spanish!
We hope that Tennessee Educators, students, and the public enjoy learning more about pollinators and their impact in the state and the world!
Pollinator Activity Book
Get ready for some buzzing fun with the TDOT Pollinator Habitat Program’s Pollinator Activity Book for Kids! This exciting book is now available for download. Packed with engaging and educational activities, it’s the perfect resource to keep children entertained and informed about the importance of pollinators.
Project Milkweed
The monarch butterfly is in trouble!
Since 1992, population numbers for the monarchs and their host plant, milkweed, are down by 90%. Milkweed plants are the only source of food and host for eggs for the monarch caterpillar.
To help monarchs and other pollinators, the TDOT Pollinator Habitat Program is providing free milkweed seeds to anyone in Tennessee who will join us in our mission. The best way to help pollinators is to rebuild their habitat and give them the food and shelter they need to survive.